請支持 Health & Home Care Foundation of BC !
透過你的捐獻, 令需要關懷的長者生命變得不一樣 !
「卑詩護理基金會」專責籌募資金用於卑詩護理會所提供的慈善項目, 當中包括:中- 西送餐服務(MOW), 家庭暫託中心 (FRC) 及社區融合計劃(CIP)
「卑詩護理會」對社區所提供的慈善服務, 對受惠者影響深遠 ! 去年, 我們中- 西送餐服務(MOW) - 共為溫哥華及列治文長者提供超過126,700份餐食。 超過一半(53%)食餐者年齡在80歲或以上, 當中58%為獨居長者。
家庭暫託中心 (FRC) 服務對象主要是一些於精神及健康上需要支援的長者/患者,提供一個有在家感覺的舒適環境來幫助他們保持身心健康。去年, 我們日托中心共為 3,860客人提供日托服務及為3,650客人提供留宿服務.
社區融合項目(CIP)主要支持一些身體突然殘障的病人, 幫助他們適應特別配套的家居環境、住房,協助他們從康復中回到社區生活。並在聖喬治醫院(溫哥華醫院VGH附近)設立兩個殘疾公寓提供臨時住房, 給他們一個適應期, 每次可使用最長6個月。 自1999年以來,共有132多名受惠者得到了CIP的支持。
捐款可以透過電話或親到我們辦公室進行(支票抬頭“Care BC Foundation”)或使用下列表格通過信用卡捐助。 所有捐款將以加元支付。捐款超過20元或以上 ,將簽發退稅收據,退稅收據將郵寄到捐贈者提供的姓名和地址。
如您有興趣加入我們義工團隊支持Care BC的慈善項目,請到 cn.carebc.ca/volunteering
如您有興趣加入我們義工團隊支持Care BC的慈善項目,請到 cn.carebc.ca/volunteering
Other ways to make a gift:
Make a gift in person to the Health and Home Care Foundation of BC with cash, cheque or credit card at our office. Please contact our for more regular business hours, etc. (604-733-6614)
Leave a Legacy in your will or estate plan, to continue supporting a cause you believe in, which may also confer other financial benefits.
Honour Your Loved Ones by donating in the name of a loved one to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. You can also make an 'in memoriam' gift to honour someone who has passed away. We can acknowledge your gift to anyone you specify.
Make regular donations through Monthly Giving. Pre-authorizing a monthly gift from your credit card is a safe and efficient way to donate. Monthly giving reduces administrative and postage costs, which means more of your donation can be put into our charitable community programs.
Donate Your Car, through Donate a Car Canada.
Proceeds from the sale or recycling of your car will help support the Care BC Foundation, while you'll get a tax receipt. It's a great way to get rid of an unwanted car while supporting a worthwhile cause. |
Care BC Foundation
Suite 204 - 3077 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 3J9
604-733-6614 | [email protected]
Charitable Tax No. 71276-8696-RR0002
Suite 204 - 3077 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 3J9
604-733-6614 | [email protected]
Charitable Tax No. 71276-8696-RR0002