FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2024
17th Annual NSCF Charity Golf Tournament
North Shore Community Foundation proudly chose The Health and Care Home Society of BC (Care BC) as the designated charity for their 2024 Golf Tournament.
Photo Credit: Gary Nguyen
Jordan Willms (NSCF), Carrie Russell (Care BC), Mayor Linda Buchanan (CNV), Mayor Mike Little (DNV), David Webbe (Darwin, Presenting Sponsor), Inge Schamborzki (Care BC), Doug Hayhurst (Care BC), Micheal Boehm (NSCF), Jason Pires (Global News) celebrate funds raised towards the development of a North Shore Family Respite Centre.
Many thanks to all the players, sponsors, community supporters, and volunteers, and the North Shore Community Foundation, for their generous support in helping us raise $50,000 toward the development of Care BC’s North Shore Family Respite Centre!
These funds will be used to assist with construction costs of a much needed, state-of-the-art 18 bed adult day care and overnight respite centre for North Shore seniors diagnosed with dementia, who are living at home, thereby enabling their caregivers to get the periods of “respite” or the rest they need to continue caring for their loved ones at home. Construction is well underway with a projected completion by the late Fall of 2025.